latest news

March 25, 2015

Admissions are open since 1st april 2015 in all clases for limited seats.

May 25,2015

Summer vacation start since 26 may 2015 to 30 june 2015.

May 25,2015

College will reopen on 1st july 2015.

All News >


Educational Institutions are a plenty, all of which impart a learning, but it is our prayer that our students go out into the world with the strength, not only to reach and excel in their professional aspirations, but to remain beautiful human beingss.

A school is always a ‘world in miniature’ where one receives a ‘training for life’, where effective, meaningful and joyful learning takes place. It is here that we begin to learn our lessons of life – to accept challenges, face competition, defeat and failure, and rejoice at victory and triumph.

The children of the school evolve as well-rounded individuals who have honed their skills in the microcosm of the school and are equipped to lead and inspire in the microcosm of the world.

In keeping with its ethos, the school would provide an interactive platform to all learners for meaningful discussions with their peers elsewhere so that they can learn sharing their experience.


Our school is scaling new heights with excellent and reputed professionals training our children in a range of co-curricular activities like football, basketball, cricket, table tennis and chess to drums, guitar, keyboard, jazz, dancing and theatre..

Most importantly, at the school, we are a team of dedicated teachers and staff, committed to the welfare of the children in our care. For us teaching is a passion and a calling. The importance of instilling good values in our students is our prime objective

Smt.Seema Yadav